At the beginning there was instinct.
The urge to decorate our body, to look beautiful or different, to say who we are.
But also to change, to transform ourselves. It has been said that fashion is an instinct as old as adam and Eve, even Neanderthal man made himself “look good” with feather and bone ornaments.
Hence, the catwalks of Milan and Paris have much more in common than we think with the prairies in Oregon, rain forests in Papua New Guinea, African villages, Javanese temples, and so forth.[1]
At the beginning there was instinct.
“How we dress, how we look, says many thinks. Clothes whisper or shout. They speak of economic, social and political stature. They elicit learned commentary from anthropologists and sociologists, not to mention analysis from the fashion press, who issue seasonal pronouncements at the drop of a hemline. Clothes provoke, irritate and seduce. They murmur of magic…”
comment Cathy Newman, longtime senior writer with National Geographic.
Clothes, adornments and accessories even have the capacity to redeem, not only because they symbolize power or arouse emotion, but because they are aesthetically edifying.
As Newman observes:
“Beauty endures; creativity is renewed; life goes on. To enable us to forget the misery of the past, to allow us to look to the hope of the future, is the artistry of fashion at its most brilliant”.
Finally an Eliza R.Scidmore’s shot, “Elaborate ankle bracelets and toe rings on a Tamil dancer’s foot”, Ceylon 1907 by National Geographic; and my selfie, “adidas and nike shoes”, Turin 2016.
[1] Exhibition: “Fashion and Style in National Geographic shots”, Palazzo madama, Torino.
Introduction by Marina Conti, deputy editor National Geographic Italia
Photographers: Clifton R. Adams, William Albert Allard, Stephen Alvarez, James L. Amos, Alexander Graham Bell, Horace Brodzky, John Chao, Jodi Cobb, Greg Dale, Mitch Feinberg, Georg Gerster, Robin Hammond, David Alan Harvey, Chris Johns, Beverly Joubert, Ed Kashi, Keenpress, Lehnert & Landrock, Mrs. Mary G. Lucas, Horst Luz, Luis Marden, Pete McBride, Charles O’Rear, Randy Olson, Steve Raymer, Roland W. Reed, Reza, J.Baylor Roberts, Joseph F. Rock, Eliza R. Scidmore, Stephanie Sinclair, Tino Soriano, Maggie Steber, Anthony B.Stewart, Amy Toensing, Maynard Owen Williams.